Sunday, January 23, 2011

Catch up time

Wow, I figured this would happen. Start blogging and then get to busy to blog. Actually, I couldn't figure out for a while how to get back into my blog. Just one of the everyday challenges for a technically challenged mother of four.
This is how bad I am. Christopher got hold of the remote one day and totally screwed the television up. We couldn't get anything but snow. Chris was out of town so for 2 days we didn't have tv. It didn't seem to bother anyone but Sarah. I thought she would have a nervous breakdown because she missed Caillou and Max and Ruby for 2 days.
Okay, this past week, my dad and stepmom were here. It was very nice to have help and my children enjoyed playing with them. Linda cooked and did my laundry as well as watch the kids so I could run much needed errands without getting the biggest shopping cart the stores had. Papa and Linda I guarantee will sleep well this week.
We attended our Aunt Ruby's 90th birthday celebration yesterday in the big town of McRae Georgia. If you blink you'll pass right through it. I always love seeing her. I hope I look that well at 90.
I am surprised I stayed as long as I did. I seriously did not think this one out well. There were 3 adults to 4 kids. Pretty good ratio, huh? I seriously need a GPS tracker on these two.
My true concern was that the cake table and punch table didn't get knocked down before Aunt Ruby at least made it to her surprise party. Between Sarah and Sydney playing hide and seek around the food tables and the twins running off in opposite directions, my stress level hit a new high.
By the time, Susannah stepped in Sarah's plate of birthday cake and Christopher spilled the drink. I knew it was time for diaper changes and a quick exit while the building was still intact.
I totally have such admiration for the single moms. God bless you all.
In the wee hours of the morning, when one of the babies wake up just to say "hey" and decide they want to play at 1am for a 2 hour span of time, I realize how blessed I am to be here to see it.
I know usually that playing the "what if" game is not a good thing. However, I think it keeps me centered and thankful in this instance.
Things could have been so differently for my family and praise God they aren't, but there was a real possibility that I might not have been here to see them or that none of us would be here at all. God not only spared my life but my twins' lives as well. What great mercy he showed us. What a wonderful gift that was given to us.
I try to think on those "what ifs" as I am pulling babies off of the kitchen table and wrapping the toilet paper rolls back up and refolding laundry. I could have missed all of this. I am thankful for the journey and much better for it.
It is a wild ride and I am so thankful to have family and friends around to help me when I need a helping hand. God bless all of you for the love that you have shown me and my family. I truly am blessed beyond belief. Love to you all. Good night.

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